Wednesday, December 22, 2010

From Healthy to Unhealthy in 5 minutes....... ¡Que Lastima!

I find it amazing that people say they're eating healthy, but they don't know what healthy is!! I mean it REALLY burns me up!!!!! And also, how can you watch your weight if you don't weigh yourself? What appears to be is not always what it is!!

But let me get back into this healthy subject. I'll even give you an example, lol. Firstly, raise your hands if you eat greens. Ok, keep your hands up if you think greens are healthy. I see. Moving right along. Keep your hands up if you put pork fat into your greens......... Now this is a damn shame. So you're trying to tell me that greens with pork FAT is healthy? (Sideways look with one eye bigger than the other and eyebrow raised) People, people, what are you thinking? Pork fat never makes anything healthier, it unhealthifies the ENTIRE dish.... in less than 5 mins. One minute you're boiling the water with a few seasonings for the greens (healthy), and then here you go adding that SWINE in there (unhealthy) and now your greens are no longer a healthy vegetable.

Please understand the previous paragraph. Read it over and over until you understand that you are NOT doing a smart thing. When you've got that, then you may continue reading.

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we like to slowly kill ourselves? I have no clue, but I have stopped that trend. You can cook greens in low sodium chicken or beef stock and get just as much flavor as if you put the nasty fat in it. Trust.

Other items people seem to take from healthy to unhealthy in less than 5 minutes include, rice, pretty much ALL vegetables....smh, soups, almost everything. We should learn to accept that things are healthy and that's the way they are meant to be. Take pride in your food AND your body.

Most people don't realize this, but you can work out all you want, but if you don't EAT right, you're simply wasting time at the gym. You won't look the way you imagine.

I would like each and every person reading this blog to take a pledge to healthier cooking! Cut out the fats, the salt, the unhealthy cooking methods (yep, no more deep frying for you!!), etc. It is indeed hard to do, but nothing worth doing is easy. Think about it.

Random: So lately I have been just unfortunate. I fell down the steps to my house and hit everything imaginable EXCEPT my head... The next morning is when the soreness kicked it. The big open wounds on both of my elbows hurt like heck (did you realize how much you use your elbow daily? Sucks!!) , my back is killing me, and so on. To top it off, just recently my neck starting to give me sharp pains EVERY time I friggin moved!! Can't wait to go home and get a checkup. These injuries got me messed up!!

I am super excited that I will be leaving to go to my hometown soon for Christmas!!! I miss my family sooo much. Yea I got homesick, so what, lol. I'm ready for gifts, presents, money, and donations, lmao. Kind of nervous to see how I will keep my new eating habits though. Trent and I are both nervous, but I said I would cook our meals to stay on the healthy side and maybe a LITTLE cheating on Christmas Day, but that's it.

People please don't gain weight over the holidays #NotCool.

P.S. Check out my sister, Dominique Payne's "Dance With Me"  Studio. Visit the Facebook page and sign up for a flyer with classes and sign up!!! The studio is located in Memphis, TN (Southaven, MS, technically, but people still consider it Memphis, lol). Get dancing, shaking, and grooving!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Dear Ahkeeia, I want to lose a ton of weight and everytime I work out I start to lose. It all works out in the beginning but then the process become to slow to me and I feel like i'm not seeing change and i'm tired of doing the same workout plan everyday. And to top it off I HATE eating healthy! Nothing is good to me and I love food. Also eating healthy is EXPENSIVE. What are more alternatives because I have tried EVERYTHING!

  2. Dear Enrgzrbunny87, It is very good that you are working out, but you have to understand that eating right and working out go hand in hand. You must eat a certain amount of calories based on your weight, height, and weight goals.

    A good way to not become bored with the same ol' workout routine is to switch it up. :) Do cardio one day, abs the next, strength training after that, and so on. Make it interesting for yourself. And always remember to reward yourself for a job well done. Buy yourself a new shirt or something like that for every time you work out a whole week straight. Just an idea.

    Because you want to loose a lot of weight, I'd suggest a lot of cardio for you and then some strength training to tone up after you have lost the weight.

    Eating healthy is actually a challenge for most people, only because they are not use to it. Healthy can be delicious, you just need great ingredients and good recipes. It is not as expensive as you think, I have made the change to healthier food and I spend about the same amount on groceries.

    My challenge to you is to try some of the recipes on my blog, like the Salmon Cakes. Also I will recommend a good website that can help organize you exercise and nutrition goals. It is This is a free website. Check it out.

    I'll keep you in mind when I come up with healthy dishes that I think, even you, will like :)

    Don't give up!! I will motivate you every step of the way :)

  3. I'm like the first commentor. I LOVE food. And I guess it's so hard for me to eat healthy because I am so used to eating the way I eat. I use salt, pepper, and butter on practically anything I can put it on. I do want to eat healtier. I guess it's like you said. It's going to take some time to get used to it. But does "healthy" have to be so "bland?" I think the lack of flavor in food is what makes it hard for me.

  4. Actually sis, someone beat you to the punch already, lol. Healthy food does NOT have to be bland. You can use other seasonings that don't involve salt or butter! I'll be home tomorrow and show you :)
