Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fresh Sea Scallops and Tiger Woods

So let me get this random side note out. It's about Tiger Woods and his siblings. Yes yall, Tiger Woods has siblings. 2 half brothers and 1 half sister, I think. So not too long ago, Tiger's oldest brother was on CNN talking about how they miss him and just want to talk to him and update him on what has been going on in the family.............. (blank stare, pointing at face, lol) Know we ALL know that as soon as someone in the family makes it big, other family member come out the woodworks and all of a sudden want to mend broken bridges and try to pull publicity stunts so they can try to make some money off of it, and all other strange things. I say leave Tiger alone, AND don't be blasting family business for the world to see. #ThatisAll

Alrighty know that that is out of my system let's talk about some food :) Trent bought me a Spice Rack for Christmas. Of course I couldn't wait to use it so I set it up and got to work cooking that night. Tonight I decided to use the spices to create a crust for some Sea Scallops I bought.

First when working with scallops you want to pat them dry. You won't get a good crust unless the excess water is patted off. Secondly you want to make sure they don't smell fishy. Most times there is a little extra flap of skin, pull that off, it will be tough if not, when you cook it, so stop being hard headed and take it off. Now you're ready to season. I blended a few dry herbs and spices together (Dry basil, lemon pepper seasoning, garlic powder, onion powder, pepper, Italian seasoning, parsley flakes) and crusted it on the tops and bottoms of the scallops. I pan seared them in olive oil on Medium-High heat for 3 minutes on each side....... DELICIOUS. I have not tasted scallops more better cooked than my own. I feel very accomplished. I served it up with some linguine tossed in my homemade tomato sauce, which is posted on my blog somewhere, lol. (picture of this dish on facebook, mobile uploads)

I feel like I'm becoming a better chef. When I take on new challenges and succeed, or fail, I learn and it makes me better overall. (So whatever you're doing in life, stay motivated, even when you fall short, at least you'll be better prepared next time :))

Right now Trent (For my new followers, Trent is my boyfriend, the love of my life, lol) is going ham on this shooting game called Army of Two:40th Day. I've gotten pretty good. Lol. I just snipe people. Something about running, aiming, and shooting does not work properly with me, so I sit still and shoot, lol. Playing this game after drinking is super fun too!!

Recently I realized what was in the drink, Amaretto Sour. I  can't believe I never knew, lol, but it is simply Amaretto and Sour Mix. I find that the drink is quite sweet though, but it is a great "Baby" drink for first timers. In a small glass cup with ice, add 1 part Amaretto to 4 parts Sour Mix.

Another great drink that Trent likes is Ciroc Berry with Cranberry. Now he likes his drinks a little stronger than I do, but to each is own. You can use the 4 to 1 ratio with this drink as well. 4 parts Cranberry to 1 part Ciroc. And by the way, my new name for Ciroc and Lemonade is "Cirocalade". I'm gonna call P.Diddy up and see what he thinks about that, lol. Kinda catchy don't ya think? lol.

I'm making Gumbo again for Trent's lunch for the week, but this time I'm being a little more health conscious and taking OUT the Chorizo. It is very high in fat. So to replace that, I'm adding chicken and oysters. :) Feel free to make substitutions as you see fit. Only YOU know what YOU like :)

I think that's all for tonight folks. I'm about to get in on this game and go HAM!!

P.S. Shout out to Pam. We worked together at Graceland. She want me to sign her up for the first copy of my cookbook, which is under construction!! That made my day :) Thanks for your support Pam :)