Sunday, December 5, 2010

My First Post!!!

So I am very excited to have you as my follower, whoever you may be. I plan on sharing my world of food, and my world in general with you.

Yes, I am inspired by the movie "Julie & Julia", but don't have the money to cook my way through a cookbook like she did. One day though, I will. My plans are to share my everyday cooking experiences with you, and other random things that happen in my daily life.

Enjoy and tell everyone!! !!!!!

P.S. Shout out to my family, friends, my lovely Sorors of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated and my beautiful Line Sisters of Double Jeopardy, Spring '09. I love you all.


  1. Me too!!!! lol Thanks for coming to my blog!!! Come back soon :)

  2. Congrats Ahkeeia on all of your tremendous accomplishments! I am HIGHLY proud of you and glad you can cook because I'll be requesting your services every chance I get :)
