Saturday, December 3, 2011

Holiday Pancakes!! :)

So I know I have been M.I.A. for quite some time, but...................... I had my little bundle of joy!!! Cristopher Trent Ward was born October 8, 2011. Since then I have been super busy taking care of home and I'm back at work, so I haven't quite figured out how to balance work and life yet, but I'm working on it, lol. And I must say shout out to my cousin, Deidra, because she always gets on me about not blogging, lol. So thank you ma'am. I'm back at it :) .............. Anywho, on to the idea de jour :)

I absolutely love making pancakes for breakfast. I'm also a huge fan of adding fruit and nuts to them to make for a  more exciting pancake. My thought for the holidays is to add those staple ingredients into the batter to create the most delicious Holiday Pancake :) I immediately thought of Egg Nog. It tastes like thick, spiced milk with a little tang, lol. My next thought was pecans. Though I don't like pecan pie (I just haven't created a recipe for it, but I will soon and I'm pretty sure I'll like it, lol) Pecans are a staple ingredient for the holidays along with pumpkin and nutmeg. So combining all of these ingredients into your already prepared pancake mix will make the most delicious pancake of all time during the holiday season.

Here's how to do it :)

1 cup Pancake mix (the just add water kind)
1 cup cup Egg Nog
1/2 cup Pumpkin Puree (from a can)
1/4 cup Pecans (chopped)
1 tbsp Nutmeg or Cinnamon
1 tbsp Vanilla Extract

In a large bowl, whisk all the ingredients together until the batter is smooth. Cook like you would your normal pancakes. Large griddle on medium high heat. 3 mins per side or until golden.

Hope you enjoy :)

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