Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Back in Action!!

It has been quite some time since I have created a new post. Life has been busy and I have lost sight of the things that make me happy the most. I have found a new motivation that I want to thank my brother for. So here is what's in store. . . Weekly posts will consist of the new recipes I've tried. So I don't have to worry about what another does or does not eat, I'm cooking these recipes on my off days where it's just me and my 14 month old son Cristopher. Trent will be at work and I get to have "Me" time.

The first weekly recipe will be posted tomorrow. I want to do a shrimp recipe. I'm thinking maybe Coconut Shrimp with a dipping sauce, Shrimp Po'Boy, or maybe Thai Shrimp. Whichever one I decide, a post will be put up with a great recipe and tips. I'm so excited to have this new beginning and to begin sharing my passion again.

If you have any ideas for recipes or ingredients you'd like to see, feel free to comment and I'll be sure to make it happen for you.


  1. It's great to see you back in action sis!

  2. Yohoo! Enjoying your dishes! I need you oon my health page at and to be a guest on my upcoming broadcast. Also sharing your blog with all my networks. Be positive and be blessed.

  3. Thank you all for commenting. I appreciate it. And I am on the way to your site now Trennie. I'd love to be a guest on your boradcast.

  4. Nasreen,

    Thank you so very much for your kind words. You've given me the encouragement I needed to keep posting. I'm glad you are enjoying the recipes. If you ever have a specific topic that you'd like me to write about, let me know. Again, thank you very very much and thank you to your friend too.
